Postdoctoral Scholar (2023-present)
Department of Mathematics Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, US Ph.D. Mathematics (2019-2023) School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, US B.Sc. Mathematics (2015-2019) School of Mathematical Sciences University of Science and Technology of China Email: Office: SC1515 |
My research interests are structural graph theory, extremal combinatorics, graph coloring and applications in data science and theoretical computer science.
On the size of outerplanar graphs with positive Lin-Lu-Yau Ricci curvature (with L. Lu and Z. Wang)
On tight (k,l)-stable graphs (with Z. Song and Z. Wang)
A tight bound on {C3, C5}-free connected graphs with positive Lin-Lu-Yau Ricci curvature (with K. Gamlath, L. Lu, and X. Yuan)
On the oriented diameter of near planar triangulations (with Y. Ge and Z. Wang)
Reconstruction and edge reconstruction of triangle-free graphs (with A. Clifton, R. Mahmoud, and A. Shantanam)
Discrete Math., 347 (2024) 113753 arXiv:2210.00338.
Polynomial χ-binding functions for t-broom-free graphs (with J. Schroeder, Z. Wang, and X. Yu)
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 162 (2023) 118--133. arXiv:2106.08871.
Planar Turán numbers of cycles: A counterexample (with D. W. Cranston, B. Lidický, and A. Shantanam)
Electron. J. Combin., 29 (2022) P3.31. arXiv:2110.02043.
Hamiltonian paths and cycles in a class of 4-uniform hypergraphs (with G. Liu)
Graphs Combin., 38(4) (2022) 38:122. arXiv:2104.05016.
Counting Hamiltonian cycles in planar triangulations (with Z. Wang and X. Yu)
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 155 (2022) 256--277. arXiv:2105.07551.
Number of Hamiltonian cycles in 4-connected planar triangulations (with X. Yu)
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 35(2) (2021) 1005--1021. arXiv:2104.04898.